Choose a battery that complies to technical performances required by car
manufacturer. This will avoid battery overstressing and span life
For a good functioning of your battery first you should check device
voltage on your car. The voltage should be within 14-14,4V. Outside
these limits you should adjust it properly. Check the electrolyte
density; battery needs a recharging if the density is lower than
Wet charged batteries should be stored in dry, covered, ventilated
places, with temperature between 5 and 30°C and humidity lower than 80%,
protected from heat and sun. Battery should be recharged according to
“Recharging Instructions” chapter after a shelf storage of:
Premier |
Tornada |
Cyclon |
Terra, Terra Pro |
Terra 2S |
6 months |
6 months |
6 months |
2 months |
2 months |
Bateriile se vor reincarca dupa metoda descrisa la capitolul "Regimul de reincarcare". Depozitarea bateriilor la temperaturi peste 30°C reduce dramatic durata maxim admisa de depozitare fara reincarcare. In acest caz se va controla lunar tensiunea la bornele bateriei, iar in cazul scaderii tensiunii sub 12.4V bateria se va reincarca.
During exploitation should be checked the electrolyte level at least
once a year for TORNADA PLUS once in 9 months for PILOT, once in 3
months for TERRA PRO, TERRA PLUS and TERRA. Electrolyte level should be
26 ± 2 mm over the plates for all types of batteries.
A lower electrolyte level could be adjusted only by adding distilled water, never sulphuric acid or tap water.
Recharging instructions
A battery must be recharged when:
- it is discharged more than 25%
- the storage period is expired (see “Storage” chapter)
Major risk | Risk |
Alert |
Accepted |
State of charge (%) |
25 |
50 |
75 |
100 |
Open circuit voltage (V) |
12 |
12,3 |
12,55 |
12,8 |
Electrolyte density (g/cm³) |
1,16 |
1,20 |
1,24 |
1,28 |
- To avoid the electrolyte leakage the batteries should be stored, shipped and mounted in normal position of use.
- Open flames or sparks near the battery mounted on the car during recharging process are forbidden. EXPLOSION DANGER!
Fixing board
Fixing board B00 - | Fixing board B01 |
Fixing board B03 |
Fixing board B13 |
Terminal type
Terminal type 1 |
Terminal type 3 |
Cell layout
Cell layout 0 |
Cell layout 1 |
Cell layout 3 |
Cell layout 4 |